"Where do you come from? What are you doing here? What is your destination? WHAT IS YOUR DUTY?"

On the Month of Ramadan

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info najbolji gostOn the Month of Ramadan
[Since at the end of the First Section brief mention was made of the marks of Islam, this Second Section discusses Ramadan the Noble, the most  brilliant  and  splendid  of the  marks.  It  consists  of  nine  points which explain nine of the numerous instances of wisdom in the month of Ramadan.]
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
It was the month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was bestowed from on high as a guidance unto man and a self-evident proof of that guidance, and as the standard to discern true from false.(2:185)
First  Point

The fast of Ramadan  is one of the five pillars  of Islam;  it is also  one of the greatest of the marks and observances of Islam.
There are many purposes and instances of wisdom in the fast of Ramadan which look to both God Almighty’s dominicality, and man’s social life, and his personal life, and the training of his instinctual soul, and his gratitude for divine bounties. One of the many instances of wisdom in fasting in respect of God Almighty’s dominicality is as follows:
God Almighty creates the face of the earth in the form of a table laden with bounties, and arranges on the table every sort of bounty as an expression of “From whence he does not expect.”(65:3)

Read More: On the Month of Ramadan

There is no doubt that youth will depart; it will change into old age

  • Klikova: 582
info mladost prolaziThe Fifth Topic
As is described in A Guide For Youth, there is no doubt that youth will depart; it will change into old age and death as certainly as the summer gives its place to autumn and winter, and the day changes into evening and night. All the revealed scriptures give the good news that if fleeting, transient youth is spent on good works, in chastity and within the bounds of good conduct, it will gain for the person immortal youth.

If, on the other hand, youth is spent on vice, just as murder resulting from a minute’s anger leads to millions of minutes of imprisonment, so quite apart from being called to account in the hereafter, and the torments of the grave, and the regrets arising from their passing, and sins, and the penalties suffered in this world, the unlawful pleasures of youth contain more pain than pleasure; every youth with sense will corroborate this from his own experience.

For example, the pains of jealousy, separation, and unreciprocated love transform the partial pleasure to be found in illicit love into poisonous honey. If you want to know how they end up in hospitals due to illnesses resulting from their misspent youth, and in prison due to their excesses, and in bars and dens of vice and the graveyard due to the distress arising from their unnourished hearts and spirits not performing their right functions, go and ask at the hospitals, prisons, bars, and graveyards. More than anything, you will hear the weeping and sighs of regret at the blows youths have received as the penalty for abusing their youth, and their excesses, and illicit pleasures.

Foremost the Qur’an, with numerous of its verses, and all the revealed scriptures and books, give the glad tidings that if spent within the bounds of moderation, youth is an agreeable Divine bounty and sweet, powerful means to good works, which yields the result of shining, immortal youth in the hereafter.

Opširnije: There is no doubt that youth will depart; it will change into old age

Muhammed s.a.v.s.

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he is the discoverer  and proclaimer  of an infinite mercyMuhammed s.a.v.s.
I could not praise Muhammad with my words; rather, my words were made praiseworthy by Muhammad. Yes, this Word is beautiful, but what makes it so is the most beautiful of all things, the attributes and qualities of Muhammad (PBUH). Also being the Fourteenth Flash, this Word consists of fourteen ‘Droplets.’
There are three great and universal things which make known to us our Sustainer. One is the book of the universe, a jot of whose testimony we have heard from the thirteen Flashes together with the thirteenth lesson from the Arabic Risale-i Nur. Another is the Seal of the Prophets (Peace and blessings be upon him), the supreme sign of the book of the universe. The other is the Qur’an of Mighty Stature. Now we must become acquainted with the Seal of the Prophets (PBUH), who is the second and articulate proof, and must listen to him.

Read More:Muhammed s.a.v.s.

Divine Mercy

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Divine MercyWhat makes this boundless universe rejoice is clearly divine mercy. What illuminates these dark beings is self-evidently divine mercy. What fosters and raises creatures struggling with their endless needs is self-evidently again divine mercy. What causes the whole universe to be turned towards man, like a tree together with all its parts is turned towards its fruit, and causes it to look to him and run to his assistance is clearly divine mercy. What fills and illuminates boundless space and the empty, vacant world and makes it rejoice is self-evidently divine mercy. And what designates ephemeral man for eternity and makes him the addressee and beloved of the Pre-Eternal and Post-Eternal One is self-evidently divine mercy.

Read More: Divine Mercy

The Highway of the Practices of the Prophet

  • Klikova: 1155
The Highway of the Practices of the ProphetThe Fourth Flash
The title, The Highway of the Practices of the Prophet was considered appropriate for this treatise.
[The Imamate question is a matter of secondary importance, but because of the excessive attention paid it, it was as though included among the matters of belief and dealt with by the sciences of kala\m and the principles of religion.1 Here, it is discussed partly in this respect and partly in respect of its relevance to our basic duties towards the Qur’an and belief.]
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Now has come a prophet from among yourselves; it heavily weighs upon him that you might suffer; full of concern is he for you, and full of compassion and mercy towards the believers. * But if they turn away, say: God is enough for me, there is no god but He. In Him have I placed my trust, for He is the Lord and Sustainer of the Mighty Throne.(9:128-9) * Say: I ask no recompense of you save love of close kin.(42:23)
We shall point out in two stations two of the many vast truths contained in these glorious verses.

Read More: The Highway of the Practices of the Prophet

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The Prophet said: "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words He hears (from the people): They ascribe children to Him, yet He bestows upon them health and provision.
Bukhari. Hadith 475


Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: 'Do not exceed in praising me as the Christians over-praised 'Esa 'Alayhis Salaam (Jesus) (That they made him the son of God.) I am a bondsman(Abd) of Allah, therefore, call me the bondsman of Allah and His Rasul(messenger)' "

[Tirmidhi 313]


The Prophet said: "Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given, is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection." [Bukhari 504]


The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Take benefit of five before five:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”


The Messenger of Allah (swt) said: ‘Allah (swt) does not look at your figures nor at your attire but He looks at your Hearts and accomplishments’ [Muslim]


The Prophet said: "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words He hears (from the people): They ascribe children to Him, yet He bestows upon them health and provision.
Bukhari. Hadith 475


Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: 'Do not exceed in praising me as the Christians over-praised 'Esa 'Alayhis Salaam (Jesus) (That they made him the son of God.) I am a bondsman(Abd) of Allah, therefore, call me the bondsman of Allah and His Rasul(messenger)' "

[Tirmidhi 313]


The Prophet said: "Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given, is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection." [Bukhari 504]


The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Take benefit of five before five:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”


The Messenger of Allah (swt) said: ‘Allah (swt) does not look at your figures nor at your attire but He looks at your Hearts and accomplishments’ [Muslim]


The Prophet said: "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words He hears (from the people): They ascribe children to Him, yet He bestows upon them health and provision.
Bukhari. Hadith 475


Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: 'Do not exceed in praising me as the Christians over-praised 'Esa 'Alayhis Salaam (Jesus) (That they made him the son of God.) I am a bondsman(Abd) of Allah, therefore, call me the bondsman of Allah and His Rasul(messenger)' "

[Tirmidhi 313]


The Prophet said: "Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given, is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection." [Bukhari 504]


The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Take benefit of five before five:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”


The Messenger of Allah (swt) said: ‘Allah (swt) does not look at your figures nor at your attire but He looks at your Hearts and accomplishments’ [Muslim]


The Prophet said: "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words He hears (from the people): They ascribe children to Him, yet He bestows upon them health and provision.
Bukhari. Hadith 475


Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: 'Do not exceed in praising me as the Christians over-praised 'Esa 'Alayhis Salaam (Jesus) (That they made him the son of God.) I am a bondsman(Abd) of Allah, therefore, call me the bondsman of Allah and His Rasul(messenger)' "

[Tirmidhi 313]


The Prophet said: "Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given, is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection." [Bukhari 504]


The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Take benefit of five before five:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”


The Messenger of Allah (swt) said: ‘Allah (swt) does not look at your figures nor at your attire but He looks at your Hearts and accomplishments’ [Muslim]


The Prophet said: "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words He hears (from the people): They ascribe children to Him, yet He bestows upon them health and provision.
Bukhari. Hadith 475


Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: 'Do not exceed in praising me as the Christians over-praised 'Esa 'Alayhis Salaam (Jesus) (That they made him the son of God.) I am a bondsman(Abd) of Allah, therefore, call me the bondsman of Allah and His Rasul(messenger)' "

[Tirmidhi 313]


The Prophet said: "Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given, is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection." [Bukhari 504]


The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Take benefit of five before five:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”


The Messenger of Allah (swt) said: ‘Allah (swt) does not look at your figures nor at your attire but He looks at your Hearts and accomplishments’ [Muslim]


The Prophet said: "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words He hears (from the people): They ascribe children to Him, yet He bestows upon them health and provision.
Bukhari. Hadith 475


Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: 'Do not exceed in praising me as the Christians over-praised 'Esa 'Alayhis Salaam (Jesus) (That they made him the son of God.) I am a bondsman(Abd) of Allah, therefore, call me the bondsman of Allah and His Rasul(messenger)' "

[Tirmidhi 313]


The Prophet said: "Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given, is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection." [Bukhari 504]


The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Take benefit of five before five:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”


The Messenger of Allah (swt) said: ‘Allah (swt) does not look at your figures nor at your attire but He looks at your Hearts and accomplishments’ [Muslim]


The Prophet said: "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words He hears (from the people): They ascribe children to Him, yet He bestows upon them health and provision.
Bukhari. Hadith 475


Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: 'Do not exceed in praising me as the Christians over-praised 'Esa 'Alayhis Salaam (Jesus) (That they made him the son of God.) I am a bondsman(Abd) of Allah, therefore, call me the bondsman of Allah and His Rasul(messenger)' "

[Tirmidhi 313]


The Prophet said: "Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given, is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection." [Bukhari 504]


The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Take benefit of five before five:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”


The Messenger of Allah (swt) said: ‘Allah (swt) does not look at your figures nor at your attire but He looks at your Hearts and accomplishments’ [Muslim]


The Prophet said: "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words He hears (from the people): They ascribe children to Him, yet He bestows upon them health and provision.
Bukhari. Hadith 475


Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: 'Do not exceed in praising me as the Christians over-praised 'Esa 'Alayhis Salaam (Jesus) (That they made him the son of God.) I am a bondsman(Abd) of Allah, therefore, call me the bondsman of Allah and His Rasul(messenger)' "

[Tirmidhi 313]


The Prophet said: "Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given, is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection." [Bukhari 504]


The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Take benefit of five before five:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”


The Messenger of Allah (swt) said: ‘Allah (swt) does not look at your figures nor at your attire but He looks at your Hearts and accomplishments’ [Muslim]

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There is no doubt that youth will depart; it will change into old age
Posted on October 13, 2021
The Fifth Topic As is described in A Guide For Youth, there is no doubt that youth will depart; it will change into old age and death as certainly as the summer gives its place to autumn an ..
The Highway of the Practices of the Prophet
Posted on February 09, 2018
The Fourth Flash The title, The Highway of the Practices of the Prophet was considered appropriate for this treatise. [The Imamate question is a matter of secondary importance, but because of the ..
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